ILA E-Newsletter

Act to Save Net Neutrality
December 12, 2017
This Thursday, the FCC is expected to vote on a proposal from Chairman Ajit Pai that would rollback the strong, enforceable net neutrality protections established in 2015.  ILA is one of more than 200 groups that have signed a joint letter&…
Libraries to Be Required to Adopt Sexual Harassment Prohibition Policy
December 7, 2017
Senate Bill 402, as enrolled as Public Act 100-0554, requires every governmental unit to adopt either an ordinance or resolution establishing a policy to prohibit sexual harassment by January 15, 2018. The new law requires four items t…
Patrons Can Help Support Net Neutrality
December 7, 2017
We've been hearing a great deal about how librarians can take action to support net neutrality, as the vote among FCC commissioners to eliminate it approaches on December 14. But our patrons can be allies in this effort as well. While the FCC's …
Tell Congress to Save Net Neutrality
November 28, 2017
Just before Thanksgiving, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Pai announced his plan to roll back the 2015 Open Internet Order. This would do away with rules that limit the power of Internet Service Providers – like Veriz…
Place Your Summer Reading Order Today!
November 28, 2017
Place your Reading Takes You Everywhere summer reading order by December 1, and be assured that your products will be delivered before March 1, 2018. Click here to shop online today and click here to view the full delivery sc…
Property Tax Freeze Proposal Dead for This Year
November 9, 2017
Senate Bill (SB) 851, the property tax freeze proposal, is dead for this year.  While it did pass out of the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday by a vote of 75-32-1, it was not filed or voted upon in the Illinois Senate.  Plea…
Diane Foote Selected As the Next Executive Director of the Illinois Library Association
October 31, 2017
The Board of Directors of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) unanimously approved the hire of Diane Foote as the organization’s next Executive Director. Diane Foote, 50, boasts a long history of effective leadership, both as an Executive Di…
Webinar On Energy Rebates and Incentives For Libraries
October 16, 2017
Energy Resources Center is excited to join with Illinois Library Association in hosting a webinar highlighting the many rebates and incentives available to Libraries for energy efficiency projects around the state. This webinar is free of charge and …
Governor Signs ILA's Three Bills
August 30, 2017
ILA introduced three bills this year and all passed both chambers in the Illinois General Assembly successfully.  The Governor recently signed all three: House Bill 373, Public Act 100-0245. This legislation amends the Illinois Local Library Act…
ILA Comments to the FFC on Net Neutrality
August 17, 2017
The Illinois Library Association represents not only its 3,000+ members, but the millions who depend on academic, public, school, and special libraries. Our mission is to “enhance learning and ensure access to information for all,” and fu…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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