On May 17, 2021, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-10, aligning the State of Illinois' mask mandate with recently released CDC guidelines. Executive Order 2021-10 preserves the right of local municipalities and individual busine…
Springfield UpdateThe Illinois General Assembly has begun FY2022 budget discussions. Through April the state has collected approximately 84% of its annual $43.5 billion revenue estimate, ahead of its 82.2% historical percentage; excluding federal sti…
Congratulations to the newly elected ILA Executive Board members! PRESIDENT-ELECT Heather Jagman (DePaul University) - Elected Michelle Nielsen Ott (Methodist College) DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Mary Jo Matousek (Aptakisic-Tripp School Distr…
Attend the 2021 Annual Conference & Exhibition (Virtual) this summer! The library event created and curated for the library community. The June 23-29, online event will offer featured authors and celebrity speakers; educational programm…
Springfield UpdateThere are just over four weeks until the May 31 spring legislative session target adjournment date. As of now, there are arguably three main issues before the legislature: the FY2022 appropriations package; redistricting of le…
Springfield Update Friday, April 23 is the deadline for bills to pass out of their origin chamber (House or Senate) without an extension. HB 234, which will require public high schools to include media literacy in the curriculum, passed out of t…
American Rescue Plan Act: Follow-up ResourcesWe are continuing to share resources and encourage libraries to position themselves to be able to access library-eligible funds available through ARPA: ALA's upcoming Chapter Advoc…
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) have teamed up on the Go For Real Anti-Counterfeiting Campaign. This public education campaign gives consumers -- especially young consum…
The Federal Communications Commission announced it will begin collecting first-hand accounts on broadband availability and service quality directly from consumers as part of its Broadband Data Collection program. A new webpage, www.fcc.gov/Broad…
Many Illinoisans who need financial help the most STILL have not received their first and/or second stimulus check(s). Get My Payment Illinois, a coalition of Illinois non-profits, can help! Your patrons can get more information throug…