The ILA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the 2021-2022 Executive Board Election. In April 2021, members will vote for the ILA Vice-President/President-elect and for five Executive Board positions: 2 Public Library, 1 School Li…
TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY FOR CENSUS 2020 DATA COLLECTION. Yes, you read that right, and may have seen it in the news. The Supreme Court this week upheld the Trump Administration's decision to halt data collection prior to the October 31 deadline, in or…
Census 2020: As of September 28, 2020, Illinois' total enumerated percentage is 99%! This includes 70.9% in self-response and an additional 28.2% via nonresponse follow-up efforts. The total enumerated nationwide is 98.4%. Last week U.S. Distric…
Census 2020As we reported last week, there is legislation pending in the U.S. Congress to push the census data collection deadline back to October 31 from September 30; there is also litigation pending. However, for the moment, the deadline remains S…
Census 2020Illinois is currently tied with UT and VA at #7 in the nation regarding self-response rate, at 70.1% compared to the national rate of 65.6%. Now that nonresponse follow-up has begun, those rates are available too: Illinois' total enumerate…
Census 2020Illinois is currently #7 in the nation regarding self-response rate, at 69.8% compared to the national rate of 65.1%. These figures are percentages of HOUSEHOLDS, not individuals counted. Now that nonresponse follow-up has begun, those rat…
Census 2020Illinois has crept up one spot, tying with Iowa for #6 in the state for self-response rates at 69.5% of households, compared to the national rate of 64.6%. However, that's not good enough! Illinois' 2010 rate was 70.5%, compared …
Census 2020Illinois remains at #7 nationally in self-response rates, at 68.9%, compared to 64% nationally. We are getting closer to the final response rate in 2010, which was 70.5% in Illinois compared to 72% nationally; but that isn't enough. I…
CensusAs of 8/11/2020, Illinois is holding steady at #7 in the nation for self-response rates, at 68.4%, compared to 63.4% nationally. As reported last week, the deadline for data collection has been moved earlier to September 30 from Octob…
Census 2020 The deadline for data collection for the Decennial Census 2020 has been moved up, from October 31 to September 30! This follows an initial extension due to the COVID-19 pandemic to the October date from July 31. While this change may…