ILA E-Newsletter

The Next Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Is....
April 24, 2015
Michael Alan Peck, author of The Commons Book 1: The Journeyman. Peck's book was chosen from among a field of three finalists, including Wicked Waves by Sharon Kay and The House of Closed Doors by Jane Steen. The announcement event was held on April …
Illinois Libraries Win John Cotton Dana Awards
April 24, 2015
Soon to Be Famous and Celebrate Gorey Both Named Winner The twelve Illinois libraries and library organizations--including ILA, RAILS, and Illinois Heartland Library System--that teamed up to create the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project were …
Mary Dempsey Latest Illinois Library Luminary
April 24, 2015
Mary Dempsey was appointed Commissioner of the Chicago Public Library (CPL) in 1994 by Mayor Richard M. Daley and reappointed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel in 2011. She served the City of Chicago in that role for nearly two decades until her retirement in 20…
Award Nominations Due May 15
April 24, 2015
Spotlighting Three More Awards Readers' Advisory Service Award The Adult Reading Round Table (ARRT) is sponsoring a brand new Illinois Library Association award specifically honoring Readers' Advisory service. The Readers' Advisory Service Award is d…
Remember to Vote
April 24, 2015
ILA Elections Open until April 30 The polls are open! All ILA personal members should have received a link to the electronic ballot or a paper ballot in the mail by now. Please click here to let Tina know if you have not received a ballot.
Resources for Serving Special Needs Families
April 24, 2015
New ALSC Toolkit Available Looking for new and inspired ways to reach children with special needs and their families? Look no further than Library Services to Special Population Children and Their Caregivers: A Toolkit for Librarians and Library Work…
Live Stream April 16 for Naming the 2015 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author!
April 15, 2015
Celebrate National Library Week by joining the live stream for the announcement of this year's winner, or come to the ILA office, 33 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, at 11:00 a.m on Thursday, April 16 to find out which of thethree finalists has been chosen …
Register Now for Reaching Forward!
April 15, 2015
Early Bird Deadline is April 24 The 26th Annual Reaching Forward Conference will be held Friday, May 8, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. The conference includes a full day of programming with something for everyone -- front-li…
Award Nominations Due May 15
April 15, 2015
Spotlighting Four More Awards Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Demco AwardPresented by Illinois Library Association and Demco in honor of Hugh C. Atkinson (1933-1986). Due in large part to his influence, Illinois garnered national recognition in statewide i…
Remember to Vote
April 15, 2015
ILA Elections Open until April 30 The polls are open! All ILA personal members should have received a link to the electronic ballot or a paper ballot in the mail by now. Please click here to let Tina know if you have not received a ballot.
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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