ILA E-Newsletter

Get Ready for Banned Books Week 2014!
August 5, 2014
The freedom to read is important every week of the year, but from September 21 to 27, there will be national publicity and events all over the country as part of Banned Books Week. It is just seven weeks from today. Get your library in on the act wit…
2014 ILA Award Winners Announced!
August 5, 2014
The suspense is over, and the decisions have been made -- a complete list of the winners is posted on the ILA website. Be sure to join us at the ILA Awards' Luncheon on Tuesday, October 14, at the ILA Annual Conference in Springfield to celebrate you…
August 2014 ILA Reporter on ILA Website
July 24, 2014
ILA Reporter, August 2014, Full issue PDF DowloadUnusual Collections: Oddities and Necessitiesby Pam TomkaHuman Libraries: Collections with a Voice of their Ownby Christine WatkinsReading (And Writing and Drawing and Thinking) to the RhythmAn Intervi…
ILA's Marketing Committee Offers Tips for Working with the Business Community
July 24, 2014
Public librarians must show a long-term commitment to developing relationships with the business community in order to keep the momentum of business outreach flowing. Before launching a business outreach strategy, librarians need to identify existing…
IACRL Luncheon Added to #ILAKICK Lineup
July 24, 2014
Catch up with your academic library colleagues over lunch on Wednesday, October 15. In addition to a business meeting, IACRL will welcome ILA Legislative Consultant Kip Kolkmeier, who will discuss Advocacy for Academic Librarians. Pre-registration is…
Idea Playground: Youth Services Unconference
July 10, 2014
August 7 at Dominican University Keynote presented by Monica Harris, Deputy Director at the Schaumburg Township District Library and adjunct instructor for the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University Innovation is not n…
Energy Efficiency Grants Upcoming Deadlines
July 10, 2014
Funding from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Illinois Energy Now Program The Homewood Public Library received $33,600 in incentives in 2014 from the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Public Sector Energy Efficiency Progra…
Are You Ready For #ILAKick?
July 10, 2014
Early Bird Registration Deadline is August 25 For full conference information and to register, visit Poster Session Submission Deadline ExtendedThe deadline for Poster Session submissions has been extended to Friday, July 18. Share a su…
Mini-Boot Camp!
July 10, 2014
The Illinois National Guard is putting together a fantastic experience at their Marseilles Training Center for anyone who wants an inside peek at the military experience. The overnight event includes a barracks stay, morning physical training (not to…
Joining Forces at the Library Launch
July 10, 2014
The eagle had landed on the ILA website in the new logo for the Joining Forces at the Library initiative. The webpage has a wealth of information on local organizations and resources to help your library do more effective programming for both veteran…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

Visit the iREAD website »

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