ILA E-Newsletter

The ILA Reporter Advisory Committee Wants to Hear from You
April 4, 2014
The ILA Reporter is the association's bimonthly forum for those who are improving and reinventing Illinois libraries. The Reporter Advisory Committee wants to know what issues and topics are important to you. For example, would you like to hear about…
Financial Education Project for Public Libraries
April 4, 2014
Watch the live stream on Monday April 7 at 11:00 a.m. for this new project being launched at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to help libraries provide free, unbiased financial information to patrons. Speakers include Susan Hildreth, director of t…
Spotlighting Three More Awards
March 25, 2014
The Appropriations General Services Committee of the Illinois House of Representatives is holding a budget hearing on March 26 and ILA will urge full funding of Illinois State Library Library Grant programs, including area and per capita grants. The …
Oppose Changes to IMRF
March 25, 2014
Despite widespread and broad-based opposition, House Bill (HB) 3898, which eliminates the 13th payment under Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), advanced out of committee on March 25 and moves to consideration by Illinois House of Representati…
Soon-to-be-Famous Finalists Selected
March 25, 2014
Three finalists have been selected from the 103 self-published authors nominated by Illinois librarians for the Soon-to-be-Famous Illinois Author Project. Finalists are: Rick Polad, nominated by the Phillips Library at Aurora University for Change of…
Award Nominations Due May 15, 2014
March 25, 2014
Spotlighting Two Awards DEMCO Library Innovative Award This award recognizes a library's achievement in planning and implementing an innovative or creative program or service, which has had measurable impact on its users. The purpose of this award is…
April 2014 ILA Reporter on Website
March 14, 2014
Please click here to download the entire April 2014 ILA Reporter or click on the clicks below to download a separate pdf for each specific article: Celebrating Famous and Soon to Be Famous Illinois Authors, by Robert P. DoyleThe Writer on the Bridge:…
ILA Polls Open April 1
March 14, 2014
The ILA Nominating Committee has announced the candidatesfor election in the spring of 2014.For vice president/president-elect (three-year term beginningJuly 1, 2014 - June 30, 2017):President-Elect candidates Betsy Adamowski, Wheaton Public Library …
ILA Votes to Oppose Amendment to HB 3898
March 14, 2014
Rep. Deborah Conroy (D-46, Villa Park) filed yesterday an amendment toHouse Bill (HB) 3898, which would amend the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code effectively eliminating the supplemental benefit payment …
IMLS Releases Preview of 24th Annual (FY 2011) Public Library Survey
March 14, 2014
Some of What You'll Find: In fiscal year 2011 (FY 2011), there were 8,956 public libraries in the United States, which served 299.9 million people (95.3% of the US population) There were 1.53 billion in-person visits to public libraries, the equivale…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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