Can you guess who it is? Here's a hint: one of this luminary's many accomplishments was working on the 1988-1990 White House Conference on Libraries. Scroll to the bottom of the list of luminaries to see if you're right. Don't want to guess? We'll po…
If you have come across a little box or structure that houses books you can take, then you are looking at a Little Free Library. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two)…
At its February 7 meeting, the ILA Executive Board reviewed more than 50 library bills and determined the association's position on key bills. Legislators have several more weeks to file new bills, and many other bills relevant to the Illinois librar…
2014: Paws to ReadIs your library scrambling to plan its summer reading program? Don't worry, there's still time to place an iREAD order! If you place an order by March 1st, you will receive your items by May 1st. Please click here to order your item…
Eighteenth Attempt to Mandate Statewide Filters On Thursday, 30 January 2014, Senator Kwame Raoul (D-13, Chicago), introduced Senate Bill (SB) 2784. The bill creates the Internet Screening in Public Libraries Act. Provides that each public library mu…
LIRA, the group insurance pool recently formed by Illinois libraries, held its first full member meeting on January 30, 2014 and elected a seven-member Executive Board to begin its operations. The following officers and members-at-large were chosen: …
The Illinois Library Association is partnering with CallOne, a major provider of telecommunications services in Illinois and nationally, to provide discounts to ILA institutional members. A number of ILA-member customers are already saving 10% or mor…
Please click here to download the entire February 2014 ILA Reporter in PDF format. This issue includes the following articles:New Library BuildingsPDF Download Chicago Public Library: Edgewater Branch, by Ruth Lednicer Crete Public Library, by Michel…
Nominations are being accepted for the 2014 Reaching Forward Awards. All nominations are due March 31, 2014. For more information on the awards and the nomination form, please visit the Reaching Forward website.
Twenty-four libraries made the decision to form a group pool for property/casualty and workers compensation insurance, projecting substantial savings and more stable coverage for their libraries and their taxpayers. Formation of the pool, Libraries o…