Robert P. Doyle ILA Conference Grant for Support Staff

Presented by Reaching Forward North, a professional development conference for library support staff in honor of former ILA Executive Director Robert P. Doyle, who has been a strong advocate for library staff and provided essential support for the Reaching Forward North Conference.

Submit a nomination for this grant

The purpose of this award is to encourage ILA membership and support staff attendance at the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference.


Open to support staff working in all types of libraries, including but not limited to, public, university, law, and medical, who may nominate themselves or others. Please note, staff working in smaller and/or rural libraries with limited budgets for staff development and training are strongly encouraged to apply. 


Submit a statement, one page or less, in response to the phrase, “Why I (or my nominee) would like to attend the ILA Annual Conference and how the award and attending conference would affect my (their) personal and professional growth.”

Please be specific regarding why this nominee should be chosen and what they do for their library and/or community.

Award Recipient

The recipient will receive a one-year ILA membership and full registration and expenses to attend the ILA Annual Conference, up to $1,000, and a framed certificate.

Nomination Deadline

March 31

Sponsor Contact

Illinois Library Association
Reaching Forward North Committee
560 W Washington Blvd., Suite 330
Chicago, IL 60661
phone: (312) 644-1896
fax: (312) 644-1899

Previous Robert P. Doyle ILA Conference Grant for Support Staff Award Recipients

2000    Wilma M. Morrill
2001    Charlette E. Broxton
2002    Patricia Horn
2003    Tara Caldara
2004    no award
2005    Elsie Martinez
2006    Judith Fischer
2007    Laura Wapole
2008    Joel Sanders
2009    Steven Larson
2010    Jan Adamczyk
2011    Sara Torrez
2012    Sayaka Suzuki
2013    Pat Barch
2014   Karen Roth
2015   Alea Perez
2016   Isabel Huerta
2017   Lynda Spraner
2018   Teresa Schwenneker
2019   Elizabeth Boden
2020   Darnetta Bolton
2021   Aaron Bryant
2022   Becky Vallejo
2023   Annette DeLuna
2024   Alejandra Nieto

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