Committee & Forum News


LibGuides Showcase Event (Library UX Chicago) on Nov. 11
November 8, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Library UX Chicago) Join Library UX Chicago on Friday, November 11, at 1:00 PM CST in the Richard C. Daley Library (UIC), for a LibGuides Showcase Event. We’ll hear from six local librarians and library staff who manage, create, update, or…
ASCLA Online Learning Proposal Submissions Due Nov. 7
November 7, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Jennifer Cross, Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies) Do you have an idea for a webinar or online course you would like to present? The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) invites subject ma…
Chicago Distance Libraries Services Group Event on November 4
November 4, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Ariel Orlov, Adler University) Join the Chicago Distance Library Services Group for our second event on Friday, November 4, at 2:00 PM CST. The meeting will take place at DePaul University’s DePaul Center (1 E. Jackson in the Chicago Loop)…
Call for Presentations: 2017 Reference Research Forum (ALA Chicago)
October 29, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) The Research & Statistics Committee of the Reference Services Section of the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) invites submission of reference service research project proposals for presenta…
Library Journal Seeking Movers & Shakers Nominations
October 29, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President, on behalf of Dr. Irene Herold, ACRL President) I’m writing to ask for your help getting the word out to your ACRL colleagues for LJ’s Movers & Shakers nominations. So many extraordinary librari…
Lake Effects Webinar on October 31: “Disaster Preparedness and Planning”
October 29, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Molly Olmstead, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Please join the GMR for our upcoming Lake Effects Webinar “Disaster Preparedness and Planning” on Monday, October 31, at 1:00 PM CST. The Unive…
ILA Legislative Meeting on February 6 in Chicago
October 29, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) I am coordinating one of the Illinois Library Association’s Legislative Meet-Ups, on February 6, 2017. This will be the first one held in Chicago. I am sure many of you would like the opportunity to talk…
HSLI Conference Registration Deadline Extended to Friday, November 4
October 28, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Roberta Craig, OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center) There is still time if you want to attend the 2016 HSLI Conference. The registration deadline has been extended to Friday, November 4. The 2016 HSLI Conference, themed “Running With It: Libr…
Reminder: HSLI Conference Dine-Arounds on Wednesday, Nov. 9
October 28, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Roberta Craig, OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center) For HSLI conference attendees who will be arriving in St. Charles on Wednesday night, November 9, you are invited to join a dine-around. This will be a casual dining experience to join your fellow…
UIUC Disability LibGuides Now Available
October 28, 2016 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via JJ Pionke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The new disability LibGuides have finally launched! guides include topics such as autism, depression, and traumatic brain injury features many different resources, from popular books and mov…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

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