(via OCLC—for more information, and to register, go here) Friday, June 24 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill Breakout Room 20 Enhance Sharing Session The Enhance and Expert Community Sharing Session is a forum for Q&A …
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Tracy Seneca, Clinical Associate Professor and Digital Programs and Services Librarian, was awarded the Center for Research Libraries’ 2016 Primary Source Award in Access for her leadership of the Explore Chi…
The Association of College and Research Libraries is holding a virtual meeting at 1:00 PM CST on Thursday, April 28, on submitting program proposals for the ALA 2017 Annual Conference, which will take place in Chicago. The meeting is open to any ACRL…
Association of College and Research Libraries President Ann Campion Riley is seeking volunteers for a newly-formed task force that will evaluate and make recommendations on the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. The Standards, which we…
The Association of College and Research Libraries is seeking nominations for section officers. Each of the 15 section has openings for a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, a Secretary, and Members-at-Large. Serving as an ACRL section officer presents a valuable…
(via Barry Trott, RUSQ Editor) Reference and User Services Quarterly (RUSQ), the peer-reviewed journal of the Reference and User Services Association, is seeking editors for two columns, “The Alert Collector” and “Information Litera…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) World Congress will be in the U.S. this year, and you have the opportunity to participate in one of the IFLA pre-conferences in Chicago. …
Fifty U.S. librarians, including support staff and students, have each received a $1,000 scholarship from the ALA to attend the 2016 World Library and Information Congress. The Congress, which is sponsored by the International Federation of Library A…
(via Jennifer Sharkey, Head of Information Use & Fluency at Illinois State University) The Peer Reviewed Instructional Materials Online (PRIMO) Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutor…
The American Library Association has released its annual “The State of America’s Libraries Report” in a special issue of American Libraries magazine. The report covers the latest issues and trends affecting libraries of all types&md…