(via Lorna Engels, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Have you ever considered volunteering for a CARLI committee? Not sure what all is involved? If so, please plan to join us on Wednesday, March 8, from 10:30−11:00…
(via Nicole Theis-Mahon, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) Are you attending MLA’s 2017 Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA? If you are a member of the Midwest Chapter/MLA here is your chance to get a Free Lunch and have a lively discus…
(via Mary Beth Reidner, Chair of the Alzheimer’s and Related Interest Group) In 2015, the Alzheimer’s and Related Interest Group (IGARD) of the ASCLA division of ALA conducted its first National Survey of Current Practices (Exce…
(via Tina Koleva, Illinois Library Association) Would you like to contribute to the discussion about intellectual freedom practices? The Illinois Library Association Intellectual Freedom committee has prepared a survey and welcomes input f…
(via Jeanne Sadlik, Loyola University Chicago) Thanks to GMR funding, Loyola Health Sciences Library will host the March 22, 2017, MLA webinar on finding for grey literature in the systematic review search. Please share wit…
(via Molly Olmstead, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Join Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist Bobbi Newman for an informative webinar “Healthy Aging as Your Library: Connecting Older Adults to …
(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The next NCBI Minute webinar, “Setting Up New Data Alerts with MyNCBI”, will take place from 11:0…
(via the Association of College and Research Libraries) The ACRL Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (SLILC) is excited to announce the first in a series of programming and events related to the forthcoming white paper, Global Pe…
(via Laura Schmidt, University of South Florida) CALL FOR PAPERS (http://tandf.msgfocus.com/c/16BUmRUsvf8XN7N1SB7FzwfpgN) The peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve provides a forum for the presentation…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Call for Proposals Open Data: Science, Health, Community5th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar SymposiumApril 28, 2017The John Crerar LibraryThe University of Chicago For more information about the symposium:Web Page:…