(via Lindsay Davis, University of California, Merced) The ACRL CLS (College Libraries Section) Communications Committee invites you to submit an article for the Spring, 2017, CLS Newsletter. While we do have some submiss…
(via Jewel Davis, Appalachian State University) Join us for our latest Culture Conversations with NCLA’s REMCo, “Let’s Talk About Power: Why Diversity and Cultural Competence are Important to LIS” with Dr. Nicole A. Cooke of t…
(via Star Holloway, Arkansas State University) We have extended the deadline for regular session proposal submissions for the inaugural Delta Serials Conference through Sunday, April 23. Proposal for poster sessions will be accepted throug…
(via Janice Kung, University of Alberta) We are very excited to welcome you to Edmonton, Alberta, for the 2017 Canadian Health Libraries Association / Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada Conference. The Conference will take …
(via Amelia Vander Heide, San Jose Public Library) This year’s Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award Committee is happy to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2017 cycle. This award will allow two rec…
(via Brandon West, SUNY Geneseo) Join the ACRL IS (Instruction Section) Teaching Methods committee for a conversation with Melissa Bowles-Terry and Cassandra Kvenild, authors of Classroom Assessment Techniques for Librarians (ALA 2015). Bow…
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) If you are interested in health sciences or nursing librarianship, Doody Core is in need of librarian reviewers for different areas. You work virtually and at your own pace (with deadlines). This year…
(via the Association of Research Libraries) The ARL Digital Scholarship Institute (DSI), an exciting new initiative of the ARL Academy, is a five-day, cohort-based opportunity for professionals in ARL member libraries who are new to di…
(via Sarah Hutton, University of Massachusetts-Amherst) The Association of College and Research Libraries New England Chapter invites you to attend its 2017 Annual Conference. This year’s event, themed “Reframing Librarianship in the 21st…
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) conference planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 43rd Annual Conference. This year’s event, themed “Libraries Act,…