(via Mark Sullivan (sullivm@geneseo.edu), IDS Project Executive Director at SUNY-Geneseo’s Milne Library) The IDS (Information Delivery Services) Project’s 12th Annual Summer Conference is Thursday, July 28th and Friday, July 29th, at the…
(via Sari Feldman, ALA President) I am writing to invite you to become part of the Libraries Transform campaign this National Library Week. National Library Week (April 10-16) is a signature time, as we celebrate the dynamic changes happening in toda…
(via Jennifer Paliatka, Elmhurst College–jenniferp@elmhurst.edu) The 2016 ILA Annual Conference theme, Discovery Advocacy Leadership, focuses on how libraries and library staff serve as community leaders to support life-long learning and engage…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The 2016 candidates for ACRL vice-president/ president-elect will participate in an open online forum at 11 a.m. CDT on Monday, March 7. Come hear Mark Emmons and Cheryl Middleton discuss their platforms and vision…
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) Please share with appropriate staff who may be interested. Registrations are now open for the remaining two Resource Sharing Committee open houses. Illinois Wesleyan and Illinois State Universities on Friday, April 8, 2016&n…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) ACRL-Choice webinars connect academic and research librarians with content and service providers, publishers, authors, and other experts. Since the launch of the program in 2013, thousands of participants have atte…
The Chicago Marriott O'Hare has extended the reservation deadline to Wednesday, March 2. If you are planning to stay overnight, please book your room now at the discounted group rate to help IACRL avoid attrition penalties. The Early Bird registratio…