ALA Virtual Membership Meeting on June 2

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

May 6, 2016

(via Sari Feldman, ALA President)

I invite you to register and join me and hundreds of other ALA members for the annual ALA Virtual Membership Meeting (VMM16) on Thursday, June 2, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM CST. 

VMM16 is a terrific way to have your voice heard, to discuss essential topics with other members, and to connect with colleagues, old and new. Live captioning is provided so all registrants can participate. This is your chance to contribute, connect, and engage. This virtual meeting will:

  • Update you about ALA’s strategic directions and finances;
  • Cover topics related to the Libraries Transform public awareness campaign as well as the work of the Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and
  • Provide participants the opportunity to submit and to vote on resolutions or testimonials.

Registration is now open. A dedicated VMM16 ALA webpage and ALA Connect group provide detailed information and relevant documents. If you are considering submitting a resolution, you’ll find complete guidelines on the webpage. Remember to submit your resolution no later than 1:30 PM CST on Thursday, May 26.

The meeting officially concludes at 2:30 PM, but the text-chat session will remain open for an additional 15 minutes to allow participants to wrap up their conversations.

I look forward to “seeing” and communicating with you and hundreds of ALA members online via VMM16 on June 2. I also encourage you to share this information with your own network of contacts. Thanks to the Committee on Membership Meetings (COMM) for their leadership in preparing for VMM16.

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