Kip Kolkmeier Latest Luminary

August 26, 2016

Anyone who cares about what happens to libraries in Illinois has had occasion to thank Kip Kolkmeier, longtime legislative consultant for the Illinois Library Association (ILA). He was hired as ILA’s lobbyist in 1996 and remains an effective voice for Illinois libraries today. 

His presence and relationships in Springfield have kept libraries from getting lost in the shuffle, and made dozens of friends for libraries in the Illinois General Assembly. With Kolkmeier’s hard work, guidance, and dedication, the Illinois library community both opposed and supported key library legislation, including the defeat of eighteen legislative attempts to impose statewide mandatory filters.

No one has been more generous with his time, monitoring thousands of bills in every session, attending ILA Public Policy Committee and Executive Board meetings to make sure positions were well thought-out and defensible. Whether presenting testimony in Springfield or speaking at conferences, meetings, or workshops, he not only superbly represents the library community, but keeps everyone informed about the issues, the process, and the core values of libraries. His signature sense of humor has converted even the reluctant into ardent library advocates.

An attorney, Kolkmeier was a partner at Sidley & Austin for many years, and is currently Senior Counsel at Perkins Coie, LLP. He is a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago School of Law and Stanford University.

Inducted Thursday, 21 July 2016 The Illinois Library Luminaries program is ILA's honor roll that both recognizes achievement and helps build an endowment fund for future generations.  Learn more about the program and how to contribute.  Please make a contribution in Kip's name or any of the other current luminaries to continue to build this legacy of support.

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