Resources for Trustees

2025-2026 Library Days and Dates to Remember  List of deadlines and final dates for action.
Administrative Ready Reference This useful resource contains information on annexation, charitable giving, fee calculation, ordinances, grant planning, and more. This material was published on CD-ROM, and was made possible by grant funding provided by The Illinois State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State using federal LSTA funding.
Advocacy Information Information to help trustees advocate for libraries on local, state, and national levels.
American Libraries article “Building a Better Board of Trustees” Good overview for new Board members.
Board Source

The go-to resource for information related to Board governance and leadership. 

Forefront Association of foundation and nonprofits in Illinois offering training programs around the state.
 ILA Library Trustee Forum Maintains a continuing education program and information network for library trustees and encourages citizens’ use and support of libraries.

 Illinois Library Systems

Resources for training and support. 

Illinois State Library Trustee Information

Go here to find:

  • Administrative Ready Reference, 3rd Edition
  • Illinois Public Library Trustee Manual
  • Trustee Facts File, 3rd Edition
  • Trustee Toolkit: Hiring a New Library Director
National Council of Nonprofits While focused broadly on nonprofits, many of their tools and resources can be adapted for libraries. 
Nonprofit Quarterly

• Online journal with articles and resources to help nonprofits thrive

• Check out the Management – Board Governance section

Northwestern University: Kellogg School of Management, Center for Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Governance Program Series Nonprofit governance programs in the Chicago area
Office of the Illinois Attorney General Register and access the FOIA/OMA (Freedom of Information Act/Open Meetings Act) Training Portal
The Performance Imperative: A Framework for Social-Sector Excellence   A resource to understand best practices of high performing organizations designed by Leap of Reason Ambassadors
Trustee Facts File The fourth edition of the Trustee Facts File is meant to provide a broad overview of the duties, responsibilities, and tasks of the public library trustee. Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple sites for download to Kindle, Nook, and iPad. Order here.
United for Libraries American Library Association’s division for trustees, advocates, Friends groups, and library foundations
Visualizing Funding For Libraries Foundation Center tool that shows library grants across the country
WebJunction training for Friends, Trustees, & Volunteers Free self-paced courses, webinars, and other resources

Resources compiled by Amanda Standerfer, Fast Forward Libraries

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