This week's member spotlight is on Veronica De Fazio. Veronica served as ILA President in 2020 and is the Deputy Director of the Peoria Public Library. We asked Veronica to tell us a little about herself and answer a few professio…
This week's member spotlight is on Dr. Pamela Thomas. Pamela serves on the ILA Awards Committee, and works at Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) as the Bibliographic Grant Manager for the Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC). …
This week's member spotlight is on Caitlin Archer-Helke. Caitlin is the Acquisitions and Content Support Specialist at Dykema Gossett PLLC. She a current member of the ILA Fundraising Committee and served on the ILA Conf…
This week's member spotlight is on William Pleas. William is the page and volunteer coordinator at the Highland Park Public Library. He is a member of the Reaching Forward Forum and served on the ILA Conference Program Committee in 2020 and…
Noon Network: Intellectual Freedom Trends Monday, April 24, 202312:00 - 1:00 p.m.Online (Zoom) Get the latest on what's happening in Illinois with book challenges, program challenges, and first amendment audits from members of the ILA Intellectual Fr…
This week's member spotlight is on Alissa T. Henkel. Alissa is the Head of Programs, Resources, and Services at Decatur Public Library. Currently, she serves on the ILA Awards Committee, and she was a member of the 2017 ILA Confer…
ILA member Rosie Camargo, Reaching Forward Forum Manager-Elect, spoke to Publisher's Weekly about the importance of libraries being welcoming and safe spaces. "Camargo is also a speaker and trainer of teachers/librarians across the country, encouragi…
Article in Chicago Tribune "Chicagoans of the Year for Books: Librarians and library workers of Illinois fight for dignity during a year of challenges" When Julie Milavec thinks back on the past 12 months, her sigh gets long and heavy, almo…
This week's member spotlight is on Alea Perez. Alea is the Young Adult Services Manager at the Forest Park Public Library. She also serves as the chair of the ILA Best Practices Committee. We asked Alea to tell us a little about herself and…
This week's member spotlight is on Cassandra Thompson. Cassandra is the director of SHARE, the largest automation consortium in North America. She is a member of the ILA Intellectual Freedom Committee and a former member of the 2022 ILA Con…