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Reminder: Register Now for “New Discoveries in Reference”: RUSA/RSS 23rd Annual Reference Research Forum
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
June 20, 2017(via David Ward, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Come join the RUSA RSS Research and Statistics Committee for a lively presentation of exciting new research in the field of reference services. Our presenters, selected using a blind review process, will discuss findings from their current original research projects. The Reference Research Forum continues to be one of the most popular and valuable programs during the ALA Annual Conference.
The event will take place on Sunday, June 25, from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, in MCP W180. To register for the Forum, go here. More information about each session is below.
“‘Is it a journal title, or what?’ Mitigating Microaggressions in Virtual Reference”
Marie Radford, Ph.D. Professor and Director, Ph.D. Program, Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University, speaker. Co-researchers: Vanessa Kitzie, Doctoral Candidate, Rutgers University; and Lynn Silipigni Connaway, OCLC, Diana Floegel, MI- LIS Student, Rutgers University
Microaggressions are intentional or non-intentional verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities towards marginalized individuals. Microaggressions are subtle, nuanced, and difficult to detect and address, especially in virtual environments. This presentation reports results from qualitative content analysis of a large, longitudinal, random sample of QuestionPoint virtual reference service (VRS) sessions (drawn from 2006, 2010, and 2016). In this time of heightened online conflict, attendees will be provided with research-based examples and guidelines to help them to both recognize microaggressions and to minimize them to enhance service excellence.
“Research Consultations and Student Success”
Ann Roselle, Faculty Librarian, Phoenix College, speaker.
Based on original research applying the Framework for Information Literacy, this presentation explores the question: What common themes occur in research consultations? Patterns emerged from analysis of 522 field notes recorded by a team of librarians after consultations, along with in-depth telephone interviews with librarians at other institutions. Within and beyond information literacy concepts, librarians establish connections with students that range from explaining research as inquiry to preventing course withdrawals. This presentation proposes that academic librarians can positively affect student retention by intentionally leveraging relationship- building opportunities in the research consultation context.
“Analyzing Data Consultations: What Liaisons can Learn about Users’ Data Needs and Use of Tools”
Wenli Gao, Communication, Sociology, and Anthropology Librarian, University of Houston, speaker. Co-researchers: Lisa Martin, Coordinator of Business Research and Outreach, and Irene Ke, Psychology & Social Work Librarian (University of Houston).
As more academic libraries start to offer data services, liaison librarians find themselves needing to improve their data consultation skills. This study analyzed email and in-person data consultation transactions for the academic year 2014-2015 and conducted content analysis to dig deeper into the questions and answers. The results of this study would provide librarians with insights of users’ data service needs and help librarians focus professional development on tools and resources that are most relevant for users.