Reminder: Registration Open for June 9 Social Sciences Librarians Boot Camp

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

April 27, 2017

(via Dianne Brown, Tufts University)

Registration for the Social Sciences Librarians Boot Camp is now open.  Regular registration is $60; the student rate is $30.

The seventh annual Social Sciences Librarians Boot Camp will be held Friday, June 9, at Tisch Library, Tufts University.  It is a low-cost, day-long program that will feature a faculty panel on community research, as well as a bevy of afternoon workshops on the Boston data portal, data literacy in the classroom, using statistical software, trademarks, critical information literacy, and the Open Science Framework platform.  Lots of good food and opportunities to network with colleagues. Once again we’ll be leading the discussion groups/unconference with topics generated by the attendees in advance.  Take a look at the preliminary information on the sessions and speakers at the SSLBC 2017 website.

If you have any questions about the registration process, you can direct those questions to  For questions about the program, you can e-mail

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