LLAMA Accepting Applications for John Cotton Dana Awards

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

March 5, 2017

(via the American Library Association)

The American Library Association (ALA) is now accepting submissions for the John Cotton Dana Awards (JCD). These awards, managed by the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), a division of ALA, honors outstanding library public relations. Eight $10,000 awards are granted each year by the H.W. Wilson Foundation at an annual ceremony sponsored by ALA and EBSCO Information Services.

Entries for the 2017 JCD are submitted electronically and must be received by March 17, 2017. More information, including entry documents, can be found at: https://johncottondana.nonprofitcms.org/awards.

The award is named after John Cotton Dana, the father of the modern library who is credited with helping transition libraries from reading rooms to community centers. JCD submissions include strategic library communications campaigns from libraries of all types and size. Submissions have included rebranding efforts, promotion of unique archives, awareness campaigns and community partnerships. Entries may be submitted by any library, Friends group, consulting agency or service provider unless they are represented on the JCD Committee.

JCD entries are organized around the following areas: needs assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. Libraries submit samples of their processes, research, media releases, media coverage or other results received along with evaluation of the results and other documentation and supporting materials that show the scope and effectiveness of the library’s strategic communication efforts.

In recognition of the achievement, JCD award winners receive a cash development award from the H.W. Wilson Foundation. The John Cotton Dana Awards are presented during an awards ceremony hosted by EBSCO Information Services held during the American Library Association annual conference.

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