ILA Executive Board Determines Position on Key Legislative Bills

February 10, 2015
At its February 6 meeting, the ILA Executive Board reviewed more than 30 library bills and determined the association's position on key bills.  Legislators have several more weeks to file new bills, and many other bills relevant to the Illinois library community are likely to be introduced.  All bills are posted on the ILA website along any positions taken by the association.
Both the ILA Public Policy Committee (PPC) and ILA Executive Board met last week, with their next meetings about a month away.  In the interim, the ILA Quick Response Team will address any new bills requiring immediate attention.  We will keep you informed through the ILA E-Newsletter.

ILA Executive Board determined two general policy positions that would be applicable to several bills included in the Illinois General Assembly as well as many similar bills that are anticipated to be filed.

  1. Oppose any legislation that would reduce the Local Government Distributive Formula funding to municipalities and counties, and oppose any legislation that would reduce the Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax funding to units of local government.
  2. Oppose any legislation that would reduce the ability of local libraries to levy or collect real property taxes.

Pension Issues

To guide the association in reviewing various pension bills, ILA Executive Board added a fourth guiding principle to existing guiding principles, which are as follows:

(1)  oppose legislation that alters an employee's already earned pension benefit;
(2)  support proposals that include true employee choice;
(3)  support applying any proposed pension reform proposal universally and equally to all state and local pension plans; and

(4) oppose mandated pension reform that would shift cost from state revenue funds to local government units or local institutions. 
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