First Issue of Journal of New Librarianship Available

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

January 16, 2017

(via, Dr. Dane Ward, Dean of Milner Library, Illinois State University)

On behalf of editors Stephen Weiter and Matthew Kopel and the editorial board, I am pleased and excited to announce the publication of Volume 1, Issue 1, of the Journal of New Librarianship. The Journal is an open-access publication for members of the library and information professions, and it is published via Scholastica. The first issue includes double-blind peer reviewed articles by Meg Henderson from the University of Southern California and Emma Oxford James Madison University; book reviews by Bea Calvert of Loyola University- New Orleans and Carol Waggoner-Angleton of Augusta University; and essays by Dan Vinson of Mount Mary University, Deb Schwartz, CEO, LAC Group, and Emily Drabinski of Long Island University.

Moving forward, the Journal hopes to publish a wide variety of content from a wide variety of librarians from public, special, academic and other libraries, including peer-reviewed articles; essays; opinion pieces; book reviews; and content in a variety of formats, including text, video, and podcasts, among others. Works will be published on a rolling basis. We are accepting submissions now for the second issue, which will include all work published between now and June 30, 2017. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following categories: solicited articles, scholarly articles, essays, experience and opinion pieces, media (i.e., podcasts, video, etc.) relevant to innovative practices in librarianship, book reviews, and technology reviews. Other acceptable formats include letters to the editor on topics relevant to the field, data sets, manifestos, extended scholarship (greater than 15,000 words), and interviews. Non-English content is welcome. Translation assistance is available for accepted works.

As this is a diamond-model open-access journal, there are no APCs; submission is free, as it should be. There is also no charge to readers or authors for accessing, or being published in, the Journal of New Librarianship. For additional information, please check here.

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