Vote for the 2024 ILA Member Photo of the Year!

December 4, 2024

Each month, ILA staff reviews submissions and selects the winner of the monthly member photo contest, but now it's up to you to decide who should be named the ILA Member Photo of the Year for 2024!

Three finalists were selected based on their popularity on ILA's social media, and you decide the winner. Voting is open and ends on December 16, 2024. Everyone is eligible to vote (ILA members and non-members).

The winning photo will be announced in the ILA newsletter on December 19 and posted on ILA's social media on December 20, 2024. Take a look at the finalists and vote!

If you have any questions about this contest, please contact Tamara Jenkins at

Vote for the ILA Member Photo of the Year!

Pigeon, the Library Director
Roselle Public Library District

Description: Pigeon, from Mo Willems' beloved books, made a special visit to the library on Leap Day to dance with patrons. As you might expect, this inspired Pigeon to see if he could take over as library director in place of Samantha Johnson—after all, how hard could it be? (Very hard, as he quickly discovered. He's since flown the coop.)

Books Give You Wings
Edwardsville Public Library

Description: The photo showcases the library's newly installed wing wall, which has become a popular addition to the library.

Special Visitor
Peoria Public Library

Description: Librarian and literacy ambassador Mychal Threets visited the Peoria Public Library while in town for the 2024 ILA Annual Conference, where he served as the President's Program speaker.

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