Journal of the Medical Library Association Seeking Volunteer Editor

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

October 9, 2016

(via the Medical Library Association)

The Medical Library Association (MLA) seeks applications for a new volunteer Editor of theJournal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) for a three-year term (renewable once) beginning at a mutually agreed date. The journal is the definitive source of information about the latest technologies, innovations, and research in the health information field. TheJMLA, published quarterly, is an open access journal with digital archives available on PubMed Central. Serving as Editor of the JMLA is an opportunity to influence the content of the journal and help shape the science and practice of the profession.

Briefly, editorial duties include receiving manuscript submissions and managing their peer review through an online submission system; communicating with authors and potential authors; recruiting, organizing, and leading an Editorial Board, Senior Editors, Feature Editors, and a pool of peer reviewers; planning future issues; and maintaining regular communications with MLA Headquarters staff and the Board of Directors of the MLA. Headquarters staff assists the editor in the logistics of manuscript review and oversees all copy-editing, production, and mailing functions. View the full job description for details.

The following criteria will be considered.

  • ability to define a strategic vision for the journal that aligns with MLA’s overall vision
  • ability to translate this vision into an achievable editorial strategy
  • prior editorial experience (as editorial board member, reviewer, or editor)
  • familiarity with the scholarly landscape of health sciences librarianship
  • significant scholarly experience in health science librarianship
  • record of significant scholarly achievement
  • ability to recruit and mentor a diverse group of authors and reviewers, set schedules, meet deadlines, and perform well under pressure.
  • understand basic concepts of statistics and ethics of research

Members of the search committee, with assistance from the current editorial board, prepared a list of issues that the new editor should both be aware of and prepared to address. Candidates will be expected to respond to these issues in an interview. The MLA appreciates the importance of institutional recognition of the intellectual and practical challenges of the Editor’s position, and thus values support from candidates’ home institutions. Candidates should give serious consideration to the feasibility of serving as Editor in relation to the resources available to them, and they should address these considerations in their letter of application.

Applications should be emailed to Martha Lara, MLA Director of Marketing and Communication, by Wednesday, November 30.  If you have questions, please contact one of the co-chairs of the search committee: T. Scott Plutchak or Mark Funk.

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