OCLC Seeking Candidates for Global Council

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

September 30, 2016

(via the Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)

Our Global and Regional Councils represent the voices of all member libraries. Bonnie Allen, Americas Regional Council (ARC) Chair, and ARC delegates invite you to contribute to the continued success of the cooperative. This year, we are seeking candidates for 10 seats to represent member libraries. These seats are Vice-Chair to the ARC (one individual) and delegate-at-large (nine individuals). Serving in these positions gives you the opportunity to play an active role in channeling member feedback and thinking about ways to engage regionally with OCLC members. You will also have a chance to shape the direction of the cooperative by participating in discussions (in English) and making recommendations to OCLC leadership. Most importantly, you will join a global community of experienced librarians and will network with your peers.

Candidates must currently work in an OCLC member organization. The Americas Regional Council seeks at least one delegate from Canada to support the Nominating Committee’s goal to achieve diversity. You may view the current delegates and their institutions, countries, and terms in the Global Council Directory. Apply by completing the candidate form no later than Wednesday, October 26. For more information about governance structure and delegates activities, we invite you to read the Global Council Handbook or contact us directly at memberrelations@oclc.org.

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