OER Campus Kickstart: Award for Growing Illinois OER Programs

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

January 30, 2023

The Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) Awards Committee is excited to announce that they are opening applications for the OER Campus Kickstart: Award for Growing Illinois OER Programs. If you have been looking for a way of getting financial incentive to your faculty to take on OER projects, this is an opportunity for you. 

This award provides funding for financial incentives to smaller college campuses and campuses with little or no support for OER programming to take some of their first steps. The intended outcome is collaboration between academic faculty and librarians to implement Open Educational Resources in their courses and help establish OER programs on their campus. Applications are due March 31st, 2023.

Awarded applications will receive $500 toward implementing OER in a course during the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters. Faculty and librarian collaborators are free to decide how the $500 award is used. For example, the funds may be used entirely as financial incentive for faculty, collaborators may split the funds how they see fit as a financial incentive, or use the funds to purchase necessary supplies. 5 applications will be selected to each receive a $500 award. 

Faculty may adopt, adapt, remix or create OER for their chosen course. The final materials used in the course will be made broadly available using a Creative Commons license and hosted in the Open Illinois OER Commons Hub. Each pair of faculty and librarian collaborators will be required to make a presentation on their experiences and outcomes to the IACRL membership. This could take place at the 2024 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference or an IACRL webinar. Awardees will receive a 1-day registration waiver to present at the ILA Annual Conference. Presentations can be a collaborative panel discussion of multiple awardee projects or individual in nature.

The success of these projects will be assessed via a calculated estimation of cost savings to students, student success metrics (i.g. ABC pass rates, DWI rates), and student satisfaction surveys. These metrics should be included in the presentations given on the experience and outcomes of the projects. Additional metrics that help determine success unique to the awardees’ program are also encouraged. Awardees are free to determine how they collect this data.

Awardees are strongly encouraged to participate in professional development programs offered by CARLI in the summer of 2023

  • Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources: A program intended for the librarian collaborator, this train-the-trainer program is designed to help the novice person learning about open educational resources to apply the information from this program to build their own local programs and workshops as they move up the Bloom’s Taxonomy from remember and understand to apply. 

  • Supporting Academic Success: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials: A program intended for the faculty collaborator, this workshop will identify problems with traditionally published textbooks, explain open educational resources (including open textbooks and affordable course materials), and provide options for what can be done to provide students with high quality affordable materials

Applications demonstrating the following will be evaluated higher:

  • Small institution size based on FTE

  • Minority Serving Institution 

  • How a how a financial incentive may help set a precedent for more OER programming 

  • Campus with small, newly established, unsupported, or non-existant OER efforts


Applications are due March 31st, 2023. 

Please contact the Awards Committee Chair: Emily Gilbert (emilygil@uic.edu) or the IACRL President: Dan Matthews (matthewsd29@morainevalley.edu) with any questions.

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