Forum Spotlight - Resources & Technical Services Forum (RTSF)

Resources & Technical Services Forum (RTSF)

February 17, 2022

The Resources and Technical Services Forum (RTSF) supports library staff who specialize in cataloging, collection development and management, acquisitions, and technology. Through networking and continuing education, we seek to improve access to and delivery of information for libraries by focusing on the development, application, and integration of various technologies.
RTSF meets twice a year to cultivate program ideas for presentations at the ILA Annual Conference. Typically RTSF sponsors two or three programs which focus on cataloging and the many other responsibilities that Technical Services staff fulfill in their various roles.
Each year RTSF presents the TBS, Inc. Technical Services Award to an individual who has made a substantial contribution to our field. The Forum also offers a scholarship to members who may not otherwise be able to attend the ILA Annual Conference.
The Forum recently held a meeting to brainstorm ideas for program proposals for the 2022 conference. Ideas include: DEI subjects, DEI collection audits, New RDA and cataloging video games.
Opportunities to present or serve as program chairs, and participate on the scholarship committee are available. If you interested in joining the Forum, please contact RTSF Manager Joy Anhalt at (708) 845-5713 or

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