Register Today to Attend the 2021 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition

May 6, 2021

Attend the 2021 Annual Conference & Exhibition (Virtual) this summer! The library event created and curated for the library community. The June 23-29, online event will offer featured authors and celebrity speakers; educational programming; News You Can Use sessions; interactive Discussion Groups; Presidents' Programs; The Library Marketplace with more than 250 exhibitors, 11 presentation stages, and Swag-a-Palooza; live and on-demand sessions; access to event content for a full year; and so much more!

ALA Members who have been furloughed, laid off, or are experiencing reduced work hours are invited at no cost!

Unable to attend the full conference? Register for The Library Marketplace Only!

For as little as $79, you can enjoy the sessions and activities taking place in "The Library Marketplace Only".  Access more than 250 interactive *exhibitor booths; the Title/Product Showcase with 1,000s of the newest products, titles, and services; a Swag-a-Palooza directory with loads of give-aways, e-galleys, and contests for free prizes - plus the very popular Live From the 25 Podcast BoothFestival of Shorts, and the Diversity in Publishing Title Showcase! On the 11 Presentation Stages, you’ll hear from headlining keynote presenters and even more authors. Also, be sure to look for all of the fun activities like Yoga, the Magic Show, the Bunny Break, the Blues Break, and more to keep things lively.

*Exhibitor Booths will be open June 23-26.
Content will be available to "Library Marketplace Only" registrants for one year.

$79 - Regular Registration

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