Legislative Update -- September 10, 2020

September 10, 2020

Census 2020
Illinois is currently tied with UT and VA at #7 in the nation regarding self-response rate, at 70.1% compared to the national rate of 65.6%. Now that nonresponse follow-up has begun, those rates are available too: Illinois' total enumerated percentage is a whopping 93.2%, compared to the national rate of 89.4. See North Chicago Public Library Director Joan Battley's excellent video promoting the censusshared via Twitter by U.S. Representative Brad Schneider (IL-10). Governor Pritzker and IL State Senator Andy Manar (IL-48) visited the Decatur Public Library to promote the census. Share any census videos or other outreach you're doing with us on ILA social media and we'll help spread the word! In previous updates, and elsewhere in the news of course, you may have seen that the deadline for enumeration was moved back to September 30 from October 31, following its initial delay from July 31. U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Brian Schatz (HI) have introduced legislation to restore the October 31 deadline, so there is still a chance it will change. Please continue to do everything you are to make sure that everyone in your community is counted.

Article Supporting Academic Libraries Added to "Bigger Than a Building"
"Investing in Libraries Is the Right Thing for Administrators to Do, Even If There Are Fewer Resources Overall," by Todd Carpenter writing in the blog The Scholarly Kitchen, has been added to the collection of "Articles to Help Make the Case" in ILA's Bigger Than a Building Campaign.

Libraries Can Help Get Out the Vote
ALA’s Libraries and Voter Engagement website includes a great tip sheetvoterengagement guide, and other resources for libraries to promote National Voter Registration Day on September 22.

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