Articles Published by Academic Librarians in Illinois

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

October 2, 2017

Tara Wood
University of Illinois at Chicago

Note: For articles with multiple authors, those currently affiliated with Illinois academic and research libraries have an asterisk (*) next to their names.

Belovari, Susanne. 2017. “Historians and Web Archives”. Archivaria, no. 83 (Spring): 59–79.

Benson, Sara R. 2017. “Interpreting Fair Use for Academic Librarians: Thinking Beyond the Scope of the Circular 21 Guidelines”. Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2): 105–7. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2017.02.001.

Blecic, Deborah*, Stephen E. Wiberley Jr.*, Sandra L. De Groote*, John Cullars*, Mary Shultz*, and Vivian Chan. 2017. “Publication Patterns of U.S. Academic Librarians and Libraries from 2003 to 2012”. College & Research Libraries 78 (4): 442–58. doi:10.5860/crl.78.4.442.

Boyce, Crystal. 2017. “Measuring Perceptual (In) Congruence between Information Service Providers and Users”. College & Research Libraries 78 (3): 359–81. doi:10.5860/crl.78.3.359.

Brantley, Steve*, Todd A. Bruns*, and Kirstin I. Duffin*. 2017. “Librarians in Transition: Scholarly Communication Support as a Developing Core Competency”. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 29 (3): 137–50. doi:10.1080/1941126X.2017.1340718.

Buck, Margaret, and Rachel Magee*. 2017. “Teens Becoming Researchers: Pedagogical Considerations When Designing Coresearch”. Library Trends 65 (4): 659–83.

Burnette, Margaret. 2017. “Tacit Knowledge Sharing among Library Colleagues: A Pilot Study”. Reference Services Review 45 (3): 382–97. doi:10.1108/RSR-11-2016-0082.

Condill, Kit. 2017. “The Online Media Environment of the North Caucasus: Issues of Preservation and Accessibility in a Zone of Political and Ideological Conflict”. Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture 45 (4): 166–76. doi:10.1515/pdtc-2016-0022.

Cooke, Nicole A. 2017. “Posttruth, Truthiness, and Alternative Facts: Information Behavior and Critical Information Consumption for a New Age”. Library Quarterly 87 (3): 211–21.

Cronin, Christopher*, Mary S. Laskowski*, Ellen K. W. Mueller, and Beth E. Snyder. 2017. “Strength in Numbers: Building a Consortial Cooperative Cataloging Partnership”. Library Resources & Technical Services 61 (2): 102–16.

Cunningham, Paige D. 2017. “Bridging the Distance: Using Interactive Communication Tools to Make Online Education More Social”. Library Trends 65 (4): 589–614.

Embrey, Theresa A. R.*, and Andrew H. Bullen*. 2017. “Music of World War I: Turning a Static Collection Into a Vibrant Resource”. Computers in Libraries 37 (4): 4–10.

Emerson, Melanie E. 2017. “Conversations with the Avant-Garde: The Books of Mikhail Karasik”. Art Documentation: Bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America 36 (1): 22–39.

Fenlon, Katrina. 2017. “Thematic Research Collections: Libraries and the Evolution of Alternative Digital Publishing in the Humanities”. Library Trends 65 (4): 523–39.

Garcia, Larissa*, and Ashley Peterson. 2017. “Who Invited the Librarian? Studio Critiques as a Site of Information Literacy Education”. Art Libraries Journal 42 (2): 73–79. doi:10.1017/alj.2017.6.

Gregory, Gwen M. 2017. “For the Duration: Creating a Collection Maintenance Unit in Technical Services”. College & Research Libraries News 78 (8): 440–43.

Gryk, Michael R., and Bertram Ludäscher*. 2017. “Workflows and Provenance: Toward Information Science Solutions for the Natural Sciences”. Library Trends 65 (4): 555–62.

Hahn, Jim. 2017. “Use and Users of the Minrva Mobile App”. Reference Services Review 45 (3): 472–84. doi:10.1108/RSR-09-2016-0056.

Horton, Jennifer. 2017. “A Content Analysis of 3D Printing Policies at Academic Libraries”. Journal of Library Administration 57 (3): 267–81. doi:10.1080/01930826.2016.1258876.

Hu, Xiao, Kahyun Choi*, and J. Stephen Downie*. 2017. “A Framework for Evaluating Multimodal Music Mood Classification”. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 68 (2): 273–85. doi:10.1002/asi.23649.

Khailova, Ladislava. 2017. “Flipping Library Information Literacy Sessions to Maximize Student Active Learning”. Reference & User Services Quarterly 56 (3): 150–55.

Knox, Emily J. M. 2017. “Opposing Censorship in Difficult Times”. Library Quarterly 87 (3): 268–76.

Lawrence, Emily. 2017. “Is Contemporary Readers’ Advisory Populist? Taste Elevation and Ideological Tension in the Genreflecting Series”. Library Trends 65 (4): 491–507.

Lenkart, Joe*, and Kelli Trei*. 2017. “What Are We Missing? A Snapshot of Difficult-to-Find International Online Resources”. Science & Technology Libraries 36 (2): 170–86. doi:10.1080/0194262X.2017.1313154.

Lenkart, Joe*, and Jen-chien Yu*. 2017. “Specialized Reference Services at Illinois: Reference Transactional Analysis and Its Implications for Service Providers and Administrators”. Reference & User Services Quarterly 56 (4): 268–76.

Lenstra, Noah, and Karen S. Baker*. 2017. “The Intermediation of Community and Infrastructure”. Library Trends 65 (4): 473–90.

Levy, Morris S. 2017. “‘The New, Very New Sound’: The Story of Skylite Records, 1959-1991”. ARSC Journal 48 (1): 1–6.

Lind, Douglas W. 2017. “Legal History Learned as Legal Bibliography Well Told: The Case for Rare Book Courses in the Law School Curriculum”. Law Library Journal 109 (2): 309–15.

Mabbott, Cass. 2017. “The We Need Diverse Books Campaign and Critical Race Theory: Charlemae Rollins and the Call for Diverse Children’s Books”. Library Trends 65 (4): 508–22.

MacAyeal, Gregory. 2017. “Surviving and Thriving in an Acting Leadership Position”. Reference & User Services Quarterly 56 (4): 228–31.

Nabe, Jonathan. 2017. “After the Big Deals Are Done”. Against the Grain 29 (1): 22–23.

Nelson, Elizabeth. 2017. “Information Literacy Needs of Community College Students in Transition: A Literature Review”. Reference Services Review 45 (2): 278–85. doi:10.1108/RSR-11-2016-0078.

Nichols, David M., and Michael B. Twidale*. 2017. “Metrics for Openness”. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 68 (4): 1048–60. doi:10.1002/asi.23741.

Osorio, Nestor L.*, and Daniela Solomon. 2017. “A Bibliometric Analysis of ASEE Conference Papers Published by Members of the Engineering Libraries Division”. In Proceedings of 2017 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 22. Engineering Libraries Division, Session T321. Washington DC: ASEE.

Piotrowski, Pattie*, and Christine McClure*. 2017. “Building a STEM Collection of Undergraduate Textbooks”. In Textbooks in Academic Libraries: Selection, Circulation, and Assessment. Association of Library Collections and Technical Services.

Radford, Marie L., Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Stephanie Mikitish, Mark Alpert, Chirag Shah, and Nicole A. Cooke*. 2017. “Shared Values, New Vision: Collaboration and Communities of Practice in Virtual Reference and SQA”. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 68 (2): 438–49. doi:10.1002/asi.23668.

Savage, Devin*, Pattie Piotrowski*, and Lisa Massengale. 2017. “Academic Librarians Engage with Assessment Methods and Tools”. Portal: Libraries & the Academy 17 (2): 403–17.

Serbanuta, Claudia. 2017. “Public Librarianship in Communist Romania: Creating a Profession to Serve the Socialist Propaganda Cause”. Library Trends 65 (4): 615–38.

Sopiarz, Josh. 2017. “Craft Beer in the Heartland”. Middle West Review 4 (1): 177–80.

Sroka, Marek. 2017. “‘A Book Never Dies’: The American Library Association and the Cultural Reconstruction of Czechoslovak and Polish Libraries, 1945–1948”. Library & Information History 33 (1): 19–34. doi:10.1080/17583489.2017.1264186.

Swanson, Troy A.*, Tish Hayes*, Jennifer Kolan*, Kelly Hand*, and Susan Miller*. 2017. “Guiding Choices: Implementing a Library Website Usability Study”. Reference Services Review 45 (3): 359–67. doi:10.1108/RSR-11-2016-0080.

Thacker, Mara. 2017. “Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices in Overseas Buying Trips: An Interview Study Focusing on South Asia Specialists”. Library Resources & Technical Services 61 (2): 70–80.

Tracy, Daniel G. 2017. “Libraries as Content Producers: How Library Publishing Services Address the Reading Experience”. College & Research Libraries 78 (2): 219–40. doi:10.5860/crl.78.2.219.

Velez, Latesha*, and Melissa Villa-Nicholas*. 2017. “Mapping Race and Racism in U.S. Library History Literature, 1997-2015”. Library Trends 65 (4): 540–54.

Vossler, Joshua*, and John Watts. 2017. “Educational Story as a Tool for Addressing the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education”. Portal: Libraries & the Academy 17 (3): 529–42.

Wheeler, Terrie R., and Kristi L. Holmes*. 2017. “Rapid Transformation of Two Libraries Using Kotter’s Eight Steps of Change”. Journal of the Medical Library Association 105 (3): 276–81. doi:10.5195/jmla.2017.97.

Wilkin, John P. 2017. “How Large Is the ‘Public Domain’? A Comparative Analysis of Ringer’s 1961 Copyright Renewal Study and HathiTrust CRMS Data”. College & Research Libraries 78 (2): 201–18. doi:10.5860/crl.78.2.201.

Witt, Steve. 2017. “The Evolution of Privacy within the American Library Association, 1906-2002”. Library Trends 65 (4): 639–58.

Zellmer, Linda R. 2017a. “Protected Places; a Survey of Laws on Archaeological Site and Cave Location Confidentiality and Their Potential Impact on Library Reference Policies and Services”. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 13 (2): 148–74.

———. 2017b. “Testing Journal Matching Systems: A Head-to-Head Comparison”. Presentation at the ACRL Science & Technology Section Research Forum, Chicago, IL, June 25, 2017.

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