Call for Submissions: Summer, 2017, Issue of MLA’s Consumer Connections Newsletter

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

May 3, 2017

(via Robin O’Hanlon, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

Do you have an interesting consumer health or health literacy initiative taking place at your library? Are you headed to MLA 2017 and plan on attending on sessions related to consumer health or outreach to patients? We want to hear from you! We need submissions for the Summer, 2017, issue of Consumer Connections, the newsletter of CAPHIS, the Consumer & Patient Health Information Section of the Medical Library Association. Submitting an article in Consumer Connections (a non-peer-reviewed newsletter featuring case studies and practical advice) is a great and low key way to experience writing and publishing.

 The deadline to submit an article for the Summer, 2017, issue is Friday, June 30. All submissions submitted are to be as Microsoft Word documents. Images should be sent as JPGs. Please send submissions to the editor: Robin O’Hanlon, MIS, Assistant Library Director, Outreach & Public Services Levy Library, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (

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