Publications by Illinois Academic Librarians: October 2021-March 2022

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

March 19, 2022

Compiled by Jill Harper, Heartland Community College, and Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University

Benson, Sara R., Carla S. Myers, and Timothy Vollmer. 2022. “Washington Hotline.” College & Research Libraries News 83 (2): 84–86.

Black, Alistair, and Oriel Prizeman. 2021. “A Reassessment of the Design of Carnegie Public Library Buildings with a View to Their Future Use: The Case of Evanston Public Library, Illinois (1908).” IFLA Journal 47 (4): 444–52.

Brunskill, Amelia, Catherine Lantz, and Kavita Mundle. 2021. “What Information Are We Providing to Users with Disabilities? An Analysis of ARL Libraries’ Accessibility Webpages.” College & Research Libraries 82 (7): 935–58.

Haggerty, Kenneth, Caitlin Harrington, and Rachel E. Scott. 2022. “Integrating Library Resources in a Learning Management System: Exploring Instructor Obstacles and Motivations.” College & Research Libraries 83 (1): 111–28.

Heady, Christina, Joshua Vossler, and Millicent Weber. 2021. “Risk and ARL Academic Library Policies in Response to COVID-19.” Journal of Library Administration 61 (7): 735–57.

Johnson, Sarah L. 2021. “Libraries and Nonprofits: Collaboration for the Public Good [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (2): 336.

Kastel, Jade. 2021. “Small Library, Big Impact: How JWU's North Miami Library Developed Early Career Library Professionals.” Florida Libraries 64 (2): 10–13.

Kerr, Paulette, Kathryn La Barre, and Spencer Lilley. 2021. “Diversity in Local and Comparative Contexts.” College & Research Libraries News 82 (10): 458–62.

Lantz, Catherine, Glenda Insua, and Annie Armstrong. 2021. “Students Leading the Way: A Micro-Adaptation of UCLA’s WI+RE Model to Create Information Literacy Tutorials.” College & Research Libraries News 82 (10): 462–65.

Lo, Leo S., Jason Coleman, and Lis Pankl. 2022. “Exploring Collegiality as an Evaluation Factor in Librarian Promotion and Tenure Documents.” Journal of Library Administration 62 (1): 85–100.

McHone-Chase, Sarah. 2022. “Intellectual Freedom Manual [review].” College & Research Libraries 83 (1): 154–55.

Newport, Joshua. 2021. “All the Classroom’s a Stage: Applying Theater Principles to Teaching Techniques [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (2): 379.

Öcal, Ayşe, Lu Xiao, and Jaihyun Park. 2021. “Reasoning in Social Media: Insights from Reddit ‘Change My View’ Submissions.” Online Information Review 45 (7): 1208–26.

Organisciak, Peter, Benjamin M. Schmidt, and J. Stephen Downie. 2022. “Giving Shape to Large Digital Libraries through Exploratory Data Analysis.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 73 (2): 317–32.

Osorio, Nestor L. (2022). “A descriptive review of ISTL: The journal of the Science and Technology Section of ACRL.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 99:

Osorio, Nestor L. and Alissa Droog. (2021). "Exploring the Impact of the Pandemic on Reference and Research Services: A Literature Review." New Review of Academic Librarianship 27 (3): 280-300.

Pionke, J. J. 2021. “Developing a Library Accessibility Plan: A Practical Guide for Librarians [review].” Journal of the Medical Library Association 109 (4): 703.

Remus, Edward. 2022. “How to Critique Authoritarian Populism: Methodologies of the Frankfurt School [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (5): 737.

Ridinger, Robert B. 2021. “Affective Encounters: Everyday Life among Chinese Migrants in Zambia [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (3): 483–84.

Ridinger, Robert B. 2022a. “The Oxford Handbook of Prosecutors and Prosecution [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (5): 738.

Ridinger, Robert B. 2022b. “Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa [review].” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (6): 813.

Rosenzweig, James W., Frank Lambert, and Mary C. Thill. 2021. “It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts: Analyzing Student Use of Sources in Composition Research Papers.” Evidence Based Library & Information Practice 16 (4): 63–83.

Schultz Jr., William. 2021. “Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian [review].” Journal of Web Librarianship 15 (4): 246.

Scoulas, Jung Mi. 2021. “College Students’ Perceptions on Sense of Belonging and Inclusion at the Academic Library during COVID-19.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 47 (6): 102460.

Scoulas, Jung Mi, and Sandra L. De Groote. 2021. “University Students’ Library Experience and Its Impact on Their GPA During the Pandemic.” Journal of Library Administration 61 (7): 813–37.

Shang, Lanyu, Yang Zhang, Christina Youn, and Dong Wang. 2022. “SAT-Geo: A Social Sensing Based Content-Only Approach to Geolocating Abnormal Traffic Events Using Syntax-Based Probabilistic Learning.” Information Processing & Management 59 (2): 102807.

Shores, Tris, and Alisha Taylor. 2021. “Let’s Get Technical–Subject Heading Prediction.” Against the Grain 33 (6): 43–45.

Sopiarz, Josh. 2021. “Hostess, Ghost, and Apocalypse: Reconsidering Alice Munro’s ‘Carried Away.’” American Review of Canadian Studies 51 (2): 237–50.

Tian, Tang (Cindy), Timothy W. Cole, and Karen Yu. 2021. “Name and Subject Heading Reconciliation to Linked Open Data Authorities Using Virtual International Authority File and Library of Congress Linked Data Service APIs: A Case Study Featuring Emblematica Online.” Library Resources & Technical Services 65 (4): 132–41.

Twidale, Michael B., David M. Nichols, and Christopher P. Lueg. 2021. “Everyone Everywhere: A Distributed and Embedded Paradigm for Usability.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 72 (10): 1272–84.

Walsh, John A., Peter J. Cobb, Wayne de Fremery, Koraljka Golub, Humphrey Keah, Jeonghyun Kim, Joseph Kiplang'at, Ying-Hsang Liu, Simon Mahony, Sam G. Oh, Chris Alen Sula, Ted Underwood, Xiaoguang Wang. 2022. “Digital Humanities in the ISchool.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 73 (2): 188–203.

Warren, Kellee E. 2022. “The Digital Black Atlantic [review].” College & Research Libraries 83 (1): 157–59.

Zhou, Lihong, Longqi Chen, and Yingying Han. 2021. “‘Data Stickiness’ in Interagency Government Data Sharing: A Case Study.” Journal of Documentation 77 (6): 1286–1303.

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