Legislative Update -- November 11, 2021

November 11, 2021

2022 Illinois General Assembly Session Dates Announced; Shortened Session
Spring 2022 marks the second year of the 102nd Illinois General Assembly, and it is currently slated to be conducted on a shortened schedule, primarily due to changes in the 2022 election timeline. The 2022 primary will take place in June 2022 rather than March, due to delays in the redistricting process following COVID-related delays in the 2020 Census count. The session opens on January 4 and is set to conclude on April 8. ILA's series of Library Legislative Meet-ups will begin a bit earlier than is typical, on Monday, January 24, 2022 in recognition of this front-loaded calendar. Please stay tuned for announcements about specific dates and events, which will again take place virtually in 2022.

Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act: Digital Equity Act
The IIJA was passed by the House in November 2021 and the Senate in August 2021 and awaits President Joe Biden's signature. It contains the Digital Equity Act, which will provide $2.75 billion in funding for digital inclusion efforts, for which libraries are eligible. One of its programs will be allocated out through states; the other features direct competitive grants. We'll report as soon as we know how much is allocated specifically for Illinois.

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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