Forum Spotlight - Library Trustee Forum

Library Trustee Forum (LTF)

May 27, 2021

In spite of every challenge presented within the last 14 months we continued to work to serve and provide needed resources and services to library patrons. As we begin to rebound, redefine, and reimagine the future the Library Trustee Forum stands ready to help trustees take the lessons learned over the past year and apply them moving forward.

The Library Trustee Forum, for those who are unfamiliar, is an eight-member board of library trustees that meets quarterly on Saturday mornings via zoom. The forum intends to continue meeting via zoom so that trustees from across the state can easily attend board meetings.

Forum board members must be a personal member of the Illinois Library Association and membership on the Executive Board of the forum is limited to one trustee from any Illinois library. Aside from meetings, the forum is very active, with activities such as:

  • The Trusty Trustee Newsletter is published and emailed quarterly to members. The newsletter features a member spotlight as well as news about the forum, upcoming activities and events geared toward library trustees, and more. Past issues of the newsletter can be accessed here. Send your questions or suggestions for information to share in upcoming issues of the newsletter to
  • The Trustee of the Year Award is an annual citation awarded to a public library trustee for achievement, leadership, and service to libraries. The forum reviews nominations and selects an award recipient. This year’s award recipient will be announced sometime in July.
  • The forum used zoom to transform its traditional Springfield and Oak Brook workshops into a series of workshops on March 13, April 17, and May 15. Workshop topics included how to prepare for a post-pandemic world; what library trustees should know about diversity, equity, and inclusion; and a trustee boot camp.

In the second half of 2021, the forum plans to host networking events, expand its continuing education offerings, and increase the number of trustees on its board. The forum invites trustees from across the state to attend the next board meeting via Zoom at 10:00 a.m., on Saturday, June 5, 2021. If you are interested in joining us, please complete the Trustee Interest Form

This spotlight was written by the Library Trustee Forum Manager Percy Harris. Percy is a trustee at the Homewood Public Library. 

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