Everything Library Trustees Need to Know During COVID-19 Webinar

May 14, 2020 at 2:00 PM

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llinois public library trustees are invited to join IHLS, ILA, and RAILS for Everything Library Trustees Need to Know During COVID-19 Webinar from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, 2020. 

Webinar Registration

We are offering this webinar in response to feedback from many libraries saying that public library trustees need more information to help them make decisions during this time. Library directors and other library staff are welcome to attend. We also ask public library directors to share this information with their trustees so we don't miss anyone.

Agenda items include: 

  • IHLS, ILA, and RAILS staff will share resources available to help trustees help their libraries during COVID-19.
  • ILA will discuss talking points trustees can use to let their communities know how essential the library is during the pandemic and after.
  • Jamie Rachlin, President of Meristem Advisors, will talk about how libraries can handle budget implications as a result of COVID-19.
  • Kelly Haden, Chief Legal Counsel for HR Source, will discuss employment issues, including unemployment, furloughs, and layoffs.

There will be a Q&A with a panel including IHLS, ILA, and RAILS staff, and library trustees. Please submit any questions you or your trustees have about any issues related to COVID-19 in advance to Joe Filapek. The deadline for submitting questions is Monday, May 11, 2020.

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