Registration Rates & Deadlines

Registration is Now Open!

Register online.

Review the Annual Conference Registration Instructions if you've never registered for an ILA event before OR you'd like a refresher.
Note: Once you submit your registration, any changes such as adding a special event, have to be done by ILA staff. Email us at with your request. 

Deadlines & Reminders: 

  • Speaker registration (with 20% discount) closes July 15, 2024
  • Early bird registration closes September 16, 2024
  • All registrations close September 26, 2024. No registrations will be available on-site.
  • View Accessibility information here. Requests for scooters and ASL interpreters must be received by September 16. Email Kristin Pekoll,, with your request. 
  • Registration benefits for speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers from non-profit agencies.
  • Trustee Day registration is required to attend Trustee Day meal events. See the Trustee Registration rates box below. 
  • Cancellation/refund requests will not be accepted after September 26, 2024. See our full policy below.


ILA Annual Conference Registration Rates 2024

Your full conference registration includes access to all sessions, the exhibit hall, and networking.

* Attendees can register at the ILA Member rate if they have either a Personal Membership or work at a library that has an Institutional Membership. If you are not sure of your membership or member status, please email

** These registrant types apply to full-time students, retired librarians, and/or currently unemployed librarians. If you do not fall into these categories and you register at this rate, you will be billed for the appropriate level of registration and will not be allowed to fully register for the conference until the correct registration rate is paid in full.

PLEASE NOTE: There is NO LUNCH included in conference registration on Tuesday. Full Conference Registration includes boxed lunches in the exhibit hall on Wednesday and Thursday. Exhibits are not open on Tuesday. The Awards Luncheon (pre-registration required) is the only on-site lunch option for Tuesday. There are places within walking distance for lunch if you do not register for the Awards Luncheon. 



  • SPEAKERS - Speakers who register during the dedicated Speaker Registration window, July 1-July 15, will receive a 20% discount off their rate. 
  • EXHIBITORS - Exhibitors receive six (6) complimentary registrations for booth staff per exhibitor/organization. ILA staff will connect with the primary contact for exhibiting organizations for the names and emails of their booth staff for their complimentary registrations. 
  • SPONSORS - Sponsorship benefits will include two complimentary registrations at the Gold level and one complimentary registration at the Silver level. Leadership partners and Platinum sponsors that also exhibit will receive the six complimentary registrations included in the exhibits contract. 
  • NON-PROFITS - Non-profit registration rates for speakers from non-profit agencies are available on request to


Cancelation Policy: All cancelations/refund requests must be received in writing by September 26, 2024. This includes refunds for conference registration, meals, and special events. No telephone cancelations/refund requests can be accepted. No refunds after September 26, 2024. All cancelations are subject to a $30 processing fee.

Due to a rise in paid, duplicate registrations, these will now be considered a cancelation/refund request and therefore subject to a processing fee.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please email

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