DoD MWR Summer Reading Program
Level Up at Your Library is the theme for the DoD-MWR Libraries 2025 summer reading program!
Play is one of the ways we learn to relate to others, to think in new ways, and to foster friendships, new and old. Level Up at Your Library is an all ages summer reading program based around puzzles and games.
Whether you’re playing with STEM concepts or gamifying your reading logs, learning to play chess or how to code video games, iREAD 2025: Level Up at Your Library reminds us that libraries are not just a space for knowledge, they are a space for fun!
In partnership with iREAD Summer Reading, library programs will include activities, graphics, crafts, reading lists, incentives, and much more for children, teens, and adults.
The benefits of summer reading are clear. National research finds that students who participate in library summer reading programs scored higher on reading achievement tests at the beginning of the next school year than those who did not participate. Our mission at DoD-MWR Libraries is to provide the resources and experiences to bridge this summer gap, while inspiring literacy and life-long learning.
For more information, please contact your installation library or email us at:
Army: usarmy.mwr.library@army.mil
Navy: NGLP@navy.mil
Air Force: AFSVA.SVPL.aflibraries@us.af.mil
Marine Corps: usmclibraries@usmc.mil
To register for summer reading, click here and search for the link to your installation library.
Level Up at Your Library!