Sign a Witness Slip Supporting Amending the Acquisition of Treasurer Bonds for Libraries

April 1, 2024

HB 4224 is scheduled for a committee hearing on Thursday, April 4, at 8:01 a.m. All Illinois library advocates are encouraged to support the bill prior to the hearing by submitting a witness slip by clicking here.

Illinois libraries are required to acquire treasurer bonds at 50% of the total funds received by a library in the most previous fiscal year. Other units of local government, however, are required to acquire treasurer bonds between 10-25% of yearly collected revenue. ILA introduced legislation seeking parity between libraries and other governmental units to require library treasurers to hold a bond of 10-25% of total revenue collections from the previous fiscal year.

How to submit a Witness Slip

  • Go to HB 4224

  • Identification: submit your information

  • Representation: add your library and/or ILA, RAILS, IHLS, AISLE

  • Position: Proponent

  • Testimony: Record of Appearance Only

  • Agree to Terms of Agreement: Check the box

  • Submit: Create Slip

  • Forward this request to a friend or colleague

If you have any questions, please contact the ILA office at

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