Message from the Incoming IACRL President: Sue Franzen

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

September 23, 2020

Sue Franzen, incoming IACRL President

Message from the Incoming IACRL President: Sue Franzen

2020 has been unfathomably different than years past. We’ve experienced and learned so much. The one constant is that we are better together, especially in challenging times. I’m honored to be the IACRL president for the coming year, as we continue to learn and grow as a community.

The 2020 ILA conference, Many Libraries, One State: We are ILA, will be unique this year. For the first time, the conference will be fully online. Get involved and support your colleagues and the association by participating virtually in IACRL @ ILA. The IACRL membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21 from 11:00-11:45. Later the same day at 3:00, the IACRL President’s program will feature ACRL President, Jon E. Cawthorne, who will speak about ACRL’s goals for the future and the important work being done by ACRL Diversity Alliance program. While the IACRL Unconference will not be offered this year, IACRL will hold a second Spark event in December.

The May 2020 inaugural Spark: Connect and Get Fired Up! was immensely popular. In December, librarians across the state have the opportunity to learn and network during Spark: Trial by Fire - Lessons Learned from a Pandemic. Save the date for Wednesday, December 9th from 9:30-noon. Be part of the event by submitting a proposal to the share how you and your colleagues pivoted to meet the challenges of a pandemic and worked together to offer excellent service to patrons.

Members can get involved by joining an IACRL committee for the opportunity to work with others in the association to award colleagues for their excellence, provide professional development opportunities, communicate our successes, and more. IACRL is also calling for members for the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. Contact me at or complete the interest form to share your interest.

My fellow IACRL officers dedicate their time and energy to making the association strong and responsive to the membership. Thank you to President Michelle Nielsen Ott who will continue as Past President, Secretary/Treasurer Heather Jagman, and Past President Eric Edwards. I look forward to working with incoming President Elect Emily Gilbert and Secretary/Treasurer Qiana Johnson this year.

People are the best part of IACRL. We are a strong community of professionals who are innovative, supportive, and smart. Each year brings new challenges, and we meet them head on with perseverance and innovation. I am excited to see you online at the upcoming ILA Conference and the Spark event!

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